6 Feb 2007

In the beginning...

This blog is in addition to my HOPE Family History page which can be found at


which is an attempt to chronicle the family of Thomas Hope, born 1810 [c] at Ancrum [SCT] & who, together with his wife [Alice Armstrong] & their 9 children emigrated to Australia in 1856, landing at the Port of Melbourne but settling at Hynam [SA] & then in & around Apsley [Vic].

For the sake of preventing "identity theft" of living descendants of Thomas & Alice, the names & other identifying details of persons who are presumed to be still living have not been recorded in this account UNLESS they have specifically provided written permission [to the Editor] for their information to be included.

Update - September 2019 - I have transferred the previous e-Book to a new platform - which can be accessed by clicking on the above link. The "new" book is still very much a work-in-progress but after putting many hours already into the update, it's starting to take a new shape from previous versions or editions. 

It can never be a complete story of our family without help from the wider family. I can access general history of the family and places of interest but I don't know YOUR family or YOUR family's story, unless you let me into your family and those stories. Some have and I am very indebted to them, where that has happened. In some cases I have added my own knowledge and experiences with some of my first, second and third cousins but they are few and far between and also, mainly through the eyes of a very young Maggie Hope.

Update -  January 2023 - 

By the way, the above link still works so if you haven't taken a look at it before, then click on it and see what you might find. However, it might appear to be a bit cumbersome. However, stick at it and you might be surprised at what you discover.

If you have information or photos to add, then please contact me at:


I will be thrilled to hear from you.

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